Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I'm a one tracked kind guy. I suck at multitasking, so whenever I do something I've put most of my energy into focusing on one thing, and stick with it until I see the it through until I'm satisfied. that's just the way I am.

I mention this because this journal hasn't received any attention from me in the past month. That's not to say I haven't been honing my skills in any way...I just haven't been documenting it.

That might sound like a cope out, but the truth is that I have another area in my life that's a little more urgent, and requires my focus for the next few months. As a result, there will be less postings here. Though I won't be ceasing my posts altogether, they will be sparse and intermittent.

When I'm happy with where I am in my current project, I'll re-adjust my priorities at that time.

Until then, check back once in a while...but not too often.

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