Friday, February 19, 2010

I've gone about it all wrong...

For those of you who follow my ramblings regularly (if there even IS a those of you) you'll undoubtedly have noticed that my postings have been rather sparse as of late...meaning non-existent. This is has been due to the fact that I recently had some surgery that I have been recovering from.

In reality what i SHOULD be saying is that I've been going stir crazy from not having been able to leave the house in three weeks. Without being able to going outside, I felt as though I had nothing to post or share. I've eagerly been waiting for today when I'd get my stitches out and would be able to once again venture out into the world.

The wide world

Truth is, today I found out that I'll be stuck indoors for another 4 weeks, even though my stitches are now out. Obviously this was upsetting, because the whole time I was looking forward today, so that I could get one with my life and things could return to normal.

But that's just it...things DIDN'T return to normal. In fact, for the next little while, THIS IS the norm..and since the beginning I refused to accept that.

What it really comes down to is the ability to adapt to your situation.

Many times in a survival situation, you hear stories of people who just tried to wait it wait a just a little bit longer and things would hopefully return to normal. Things are pretty grim when you think that way, and it's actually the people who accept the situation for what it is and ADAPT that are the ones to walk out of it.

I've fallen into the same trap.

"It's a trap!!!"

Rather than taking the situation and adapting to it, I've put off and thought "only one more week and the stitches are out" "two more days" etc. Really all along I should have just accepted that things would be different, and focusing on the things i COULD do. Survival is about knowledge and preparation and there is plenty I could be doing right now.

I guess that shows that there's a lesson to be learned in everything.

Stay tunes for more posts.


  1. took you long enough, fool!
    welcome to the hermit club. heh heh.
    now if you want some quality porn to pass your time at home, i can hook you up.


  2. loool, the pr0n king has revealed himself!!!
    -pink taco
