Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pathfinder Challenge Day 3

Challenge: Make a semi waterproof shelter, and prove it is waterproof by placing newspaper inside and pouring 2L of "rain" over top

My Response:

First thing I did was scout out a good place to set up the shelter. Not easy when it's already pitch black out. I found a place clear of trees and plant, with a single sapling I could use for support.

At this point I needed to work on the support structure for the shelter. In this case I chose an A-frame. I duct taped two supports together (duct tape = my 3rd item).
I then taped the two supports to a third log which would be my ridgeline.

After this, I taped the ridgeline to the sapling so that it would remain upright, and began laying sticks to form the frame.

I secured the frame sticks to the ridge line with more duct tape

At this point, I began piling as much green plant life onto the shelter as I could. This part took at least 90 mins alone.

I then cut some dry grasses and laid it on the floor to insulate from the ground, and piled debris from the ground on top the shelter.

I placed the newspaper inside and began the "rain"

The results:

Some of the newspaper is wet, but other parts are dry...which indicates to me areas of good waterproofing, and an area with a hole that should be patched.

I learned that the amount of debris needed on this shelter to ensure complete waterproofing was much much more than I anticipated, and alternatively I should have taken off my jacket and used it is a means to waterproof the shelter, since my sweater would have kept me warm even without the jacket on.

Hopefully the news paper is dry enough to move forward in the contest, but even if it's not I still be doing the challenges.

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